Kratom – Is It Beneficial or Harmful?


Kratom has been in the limelight for quite some time now and the debate as to whether it is beneficial or harmful does leave one with a mixed opinion, what with factors working in favour of and against Kratom counting almost the same. So, we thought we would let you make an informed choice by once more bringing to your attention the features of Kratom that cause a lot of people to warm up to its use and facts that cause this natural herb to be seen in a negative light. Once you know of the pros and cons, you can decide whether you would like to think better of becoming a Kratom user or would actually want to become one.

Why people use Kratom

In Asia in particular where Kratom has its origin, the thing in question has been in use for ages. Many say it offers respite from pain and serves as a cure for some common health problems. That Kratom is therapeutic in some way cannot be denied or else it would not have found so many takers in the United States where its popularity has been increasing steadily.

Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) is supposed to belong to the coffee family and like coffee that is said to be uplifting, stimulating, and energizing, Kratom too is considered to cause the same effect. Moreover, Kratom consumption is not characterized or preceded by elaborate preparation. One can simple take Kratom capsules orally or buy Kratom leaf, make tea with it, and add some sweetener to counter the bitter taste.

Again in places where Kratom is not banned, one need not search a lot to buy it as in all probability, it will be readily available at general stores and gas stations. And even if this seems like a hassle to you, you can take heart from the fact that Kratom is now available online and there are some reputed sellers who deal in different kinds of Kratom products with varying levels of effectiveness.    

Issues around Kratom

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) placed Kratom in its Drugs and Chemicals of Concern list and has long been trying to include Kratom in the list of controlled substances. The day this happens, procuring Kratom would become difficult and supplying the same is going to be a risky proposition. Using something that may become less safe and less available with time isn't really wise.

A lot has been said about the health benefits of Kratom but the sad part is the claims are not backed by conclusive and proven research. There have been instances when Kratom products had to be recalled after there were reports of bacterial infection. Kratom has been associated with fatalities too but luckily, it could not be proved that Kratom alone was the reason behind the deaths. And of course Kratom is feared to have its share of side effects too like drowsiness, vomiting, etc that some have complained about. 

Not just the DEA but the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) too takes a dim view of the use of kratom. In 2014, this institution imposed a ban on manufacturing or importing kratom in the form of a dietary supplement.      


So you see that the decision to use kratom should totally be based on your discretion. People know the health hazards posed by alcohol and cigarettes but far from being banned, these things are in regular use. Kratom does not fall in this category and if you try it out in moderation and your body does not react strongly but rather experiences some relief, you can assume that using kratom is safe though you need to be wary of becoming addicted to it.     
